vital stats
So in the last month I have gotten back into working out . . . and in the last two weeks I have been working really hard on eating enough fruits and veggies. I got measured today and in the last month I have
1. lost 4 pounds (I think it's all in the shoes)
2. lost .5" off my bust
3. lost .5" off my arms (YAY! you can't fake that by sucking in!)
4. lost .5" off my thighs (SU-per yay! that's exactly where i want to lose it)
and my waist, abdomen and rear stayed exactly the same. I'm really happy with the arms and thighs thing. Oh, and I went down .3% in body fat. A definite plus.
So, working out does do something, even if it is really slow.
In other news, I have a Disneyland passport now, so if you do too then let me know and we can go hang out there sometime. Josh got one too - yay! sort of free date nights (if I can pry him away from juijitsu practice)! The one true sad thing about my life - no one will go with me on the spinning tea-cups. Why? They are seriously the best! What's more fun than getting dizzy?
The only really super sad thing is even though I've worked hard the last month on being healthy, it will all go away come September because in September I will be student teaching and working part time and will have no time for fun or even healthy things like exercise. big time boo! I am really dreading this coming Fall. I just plain don't want to do it. I want to teach and get paid for it. I love teaching. I love my kids (even the ones that have blond moments). ::sigh:: I just want to be an adult.