
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My b-day

Today I would like to thank all the people who made this day extra special and made me feel really loved on my birthday


Josh, Dad, Grandma, Mom, Jessica, Visalia Mom, Visalia Dad, Adam, Mike, Alicia, Lauren, Katie, Jeri, Kumiko, Kathleen, Ambre, Andrea, Jenn, Cindy, Ramon, Bonnie, Sarah, Donna, Brian, Stephanie, Rebecca, Joy, Carlos, Gloria, Rebecca, Rick, Fish, Auntie Gracie, Ba-chan, Joel, Chris, Bill, all my basketball girls, Keiko, Monica, Matt, Bob, Dee.

Special props go out to Grandma for the chocolate, Dad for the lunch, Josh for getting up "early" to come to lunch with me, Rick and Gloria for the awesome dinner, Gloria and Rebecca for the work out, my boss for sending me a card, Monica for texting me, Mom for texting me in CAPS (and pushing me out 27 years ago), umm, and I think that's it.

You all really did make me feel so amazingly special and I loved hearing from all of you! Thank you!

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