
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Literal Dream

I had one of those strange dreams where my mind is telling me stuff about my life. There I was - innocent dream self - skippingly tra-la-laing through my dream, when I realized that I really had to go to the bathroom (and I mean badly!) So I found a toilet and went to. I produced amazingly large turds that were astoundingly numerous and felt incredibly happy about it. Seriously, there was little my dream self could imagine that would feel better than creating these mounds of dung. So my waking self thinks . . . hmm . . .

I'm full of shit and I would really love to get rid of some of it. Argh! The frustrating thing is that that is what I have been longing to do for months (as all of my friends know) and I can't see any way to doing it. I know that I have too much crap going on in my life (school, work, Josh, family, friends, driving back and forth, more friends, dance, youth group, ha! I quit karate!) and I can't do anything to lessen it right now. I really wish that I could take an incredibly large dump and limit my life to 3 things: Josh, work, and family/friends. But I can't. grr. So I guess that I'll just have to dream about it.


At 3:43 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Have a baby. It's a great excuse to dump everything else. Mu-hahahaha . . . .

At 11:19 PM, Blogger RhoYo said...

Can it! No babies yet! (At least I really really hope not!) That's one thing that's good about having a period every month - reassurance that there is only one person in this body.

Talk to me again once I've finished grad school and paid it off.


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