
Saturday, August 26, 2006

I fly through the air with the greatest of ease . . .

Well my friends, the adventure of my life continues. I am now a high-flying trapeze artist! Yes, I am actually being honest. I have flung by my arms, my knees, and even been caught by another person whilst I was soaring through the air, and then I repeated it several times. I have done flips while I dismounted the bar. There is nothing like it in the world. Screw teaching, I want to fly the trapeze. (Or maybe I’ll teach to support my trapeze habit?) And wanna know something cool? You really do fly through the air with the greatest of ease. It’s much different than a rope swing and much easier than going across the monkey bars. I have never done anything like it before in my life, but I hope to do a great deal like it again. It is wonderful. It is spectacular. Everyone should be so lucky as to fly on the trapeze!!!

Thank you so much to Monica who invited me along in celebration of her __th birthday. It was the coolest party ever. Thank you to my Dad who taught me to love the adrenaline. Thank you especially to my Mom who wouldn’t let me fear of heights stop me from playing on them. Thank you to God for the trapeze and the physics that make it so fun!

For any of you in the L.A. area, Hollywood Aerial Arts (which you can find at www.hollywoodaerialarts.com) is a great school where they get you up on the bar and doing all those great tricks your first time out. I highly recommend it! It is the best fun ever!

Also, for those of you who I know personally, if you want to see video or photos, let me know - or better yet, if you want to go with me and try it for yourself, let me know!


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