
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

hume again

Josh and I are going up to Hume again this weekend. It'll be our third time celebrating 2 and 1/4 years of marriage.

I'm looking forward to it, but then again I'm not. I want the mountains, I'm just afraid that I will be disappointed with what else I find up there. That's what I hate about being human, too many mirrors and what if I don't like what I find looking back at me?

But honesty is best, right? But what if I'm honest and don't know where to go from there?

Just wanting to share

I made one of my students write me a paper today about why he would not stomp in class (this after I had asked them several times not to stomp). It doesn't seem like much, but on a second floor it is really loud for the class below. He's one of those kids who you know is smart, and is goofy, and probably won't finish his homework but I like him anyways, and here's what he had to say for himself (I found it funny! Don'cha just love the sarcasm?):

I shouldn't have stomped my feet because there was a class in session below us. I probably disturbed that clas and pissed the teacher off. They were working ever so hard, and I ruined their concentration. I am ever so sorry. I may have caused an injury of some sort. Someone might have thought there was an earthquake and hid under the desk, causing a life time of humiliation and embarassment. If I could go back I would have never stomped my feet in the first place. I mean, it wasn't even that fun anyways. It kinda hurt my feet. I won't stomp my feet in class anymore, but just so I don't have to write this lame paper telling how sorry I am. I can't think of anything else to write. I wrote that sentence to try and think of something. Stomping my feet may have caused damage to school or Mrs. _____'s property, then I would have had to pay for it, or she could file a lawsuit. That would be fun. We could go on Judge Judy or something like that. Then I would need an attourney, and I probably would lose, because I can't afford a good lawyer. After that, I would live in the gutter because I'd be flat broke. That is why I won't stomp my feet in class anymore. Sincerely, __________.

So, student teaching is going well, oever all. I am enjoying it, and I'm enjoying my kids. I really do like the classes that behave better though. Those are much more fun to work with, even though the other classes give me interesting perks of letters like the above. =S

Well, I need to go prep for tomorrow now. Love ya all!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What do you call . . .

"What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Trilingual.
What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual.
What do you call a person who speaks only one language? American.
(Gonzales, R., 2005, August, Star-Telegram)"

Yes, I am in the chaos of glorying in my half-done thesis. Nothing like fighting words onto the page. "You will go on there. You will go on in an order that makes sense. You will present yourself for inspection in an academically sound way. Arr!" (And yes, I know that Talk Like a Pirate Day has been and gone, but my thesis just brings out the wench in me).

Also on my table is a thought. Ten years ago I was beginning my freshman year of high school. I was starting to take Spanish 1 from a man who would, in a number of months, get fired. I was beginning to mutter these strange sounds to myself in the mirror (not yet daring to whisper them in public). I was beginning to become bilingual. Here I am, ten years later, teaching native Spanish speakers how to read and write and understand grammar in their native tongue. I stand in front of a classroom of native speakers, five days a week, and talk to them in their language, instructing them in how their language ought to be. It is a far cry from the shy 14-year-old girl who began to memorize written phrases like, "Me llamo" and "Yo tengo catorce anos" those ten years ago. Me is a strange person to be right now. And in a way I am just as I was 10 years ago - I am fascinated by the strangeness of my life.

With all this newness and strangeness though, I catch myself navel gazing an awful lot, and I want to take a moment to apologize to you, my friends and family, because I know that it has got to get boring for you to hear about all the new stuff in my life all the time. I remind myself of how Jess was when she was pregnant. Only instead of producing a new life I am producing language growth in others and myself. I really do care about all of you, and I still pray for you, and I'm sure I'll get over myself a little more sometime in the near future, enough so to be more loving and caring once more.

Thanks to my dear brother for the great music - it's keeping my spirit up as I wrestle with my thesis.

My thought for the day last night and I'll be done -

Infinitive, this concept that I have been teaching to my Spanish classes, if you break it down into the Latin components
in = no
Fin = ending
And infinitive verb has no ending - it is aplicable to no one in particular. Fascinating! A new thought for me on a ten-year-old concept. Always fun. =)

May your life never be an infinitive!

Friday, September 15, 2006

you know that you eat too many veggies . . .

when on the way to your mother's house you see a tree and think, "boy! That looks nice and crunchy. It's probably poisonous though so I won't try it." Happy birthday Mom!

Student teaching is going well. I really enjoy most parts of it, I just hate the being tired so much. Also, if you get a chance, please pray for me as I have just two weeks to get in the first draft of my thesis. With that in mind, I'm going to bed now. 'Night! Love you all very much!

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