
Monday, October 15, 2007

scary tampons

no really, they are. This last month I tried a different brand and guess what? They have positive motivational sayings on the wrapper of each. There's nothing like being in pain and feeling disgusting at 5 in the morning and blearily reading, "You're a take charge kind of girl!" "Go get'em!" "You're in control of your life!" "Nothing stops you!" scary. very very scary. And I sat there for far too long (because I was tired) thinking, "my tampon is lying to me." huh. Not often that that happens.

Work is going well enough. Both Josh and I are fighting off colds/allergies? and have been for the past few weeks. But over all, life is good and starting to settle down into something resembling a routine. Which is great! Just in time for me to start coaching next month and mess it all up again! ... ha.


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