
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

t-minus 11 hours and counting

Tonight is the night folks, the first draft of my thesis is due tomorrow at eight a.m. (well, really before noon, but I'm telling myself eight)to my readers and I have, HA!, about 20 more pages to go. I think that that is my magic number. Counting everything, including appendices (I have appendices!) it's now about 86 pages long. Three more sections to go. =D GRIN! I'm seriously feeling a sort of wild rush at being so close to the end.

Just for the record:

Days spent thinking about/complaining about/researching thesis: upwards of 500
Days spent actually writing thesis: today would be number 7

I just find that slightly ironic. Do I lose points for that?

Hey, I'm only one day behind God in my creation ... I wonder how long he thought about creating the world ... or can I think that because what if he hadn't created time yet? Is that cheating on God's behalf?

Laurel's thesis plotting: upwards of 500 days
God's world creation plotting: time not yet created

Laurel's carrying out of thesis creation: 7 days
God's carrying out of world creation: 6 days

so, erm, aren't I supposed to be resting now? Maybe in another 11 hours ...


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