Well, Josh graduated the academy in quite an amazing ceremony, went through jail academy, and is now working the men's jail. It's not as bad as he was expecting (at least not yet) and I've enjoyed seeing a bit more of him than normal.
Therapy is going really well, and each time I go I come away feeling better ... and it's a type of better that helps me get through the rest of my life, it's not just a temporary fix better (like eating cookies or listening to loud music). Vacation ::sigh:: is wonderful, but I'm still so full of everything! I'm still catching up on all my friends, training for a triathlon, prepping for the next school year, being Josh's wife, and ... yeah. Starting to catch up on things. I'm so glad that God has given me this time off. I need it. It's fun to see how many of my friends and family ask me about therapy. It's a very sweet sort of inquiry, and hopefully I'll end up being a better friend and family member because of it.
I think that I really do want to start learning Japanese. I've been thinking about it and playing with it for a while, and it would just be cool to have that be something that I could do and play with. I don't quite know how to go about doing it ... but it would be a cool thing! I really do want to travel to Japan one day, and see the place where the roots of so many people in my life who I love are located.
Well, the triathlon is on August 19th, so time is getting close for that. At this point I kind of just think that the most important thing for me is just to be able to do cardiovascular intensive activity for an extended period of time. After this first one I'll have a better idea of what I'm doing, but for the first one I think that I'll be ok.
It's kind of funny, but I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. So for now I'll continue to teach, which is fine and good, and then maybe one day it'll grow clearer. In the mean time I'll just work on growing up and being a better me. I have to admit that law enforcement is a tempting career choice for me, but it's just that, tempting, I know that it would not really be for me and would be way too much of a power trip to be healthy.
Wanna know something funny? (and I have to preface this with blunt honesty and say that Josh had a new barrel on his gun so his sights might have been off, and I actually think that they were) but when we did our out door shooting competition on last Sunday a bunch of us were all goofing around and one of the guys decided that we should all try and shoot this tiny little bowling pin target that was way far away and everyone only got one shot. We all lined up to do it, and only 2 of us made the shot - some asian guy and me. So we lined up to do it again, because honestly I'm not (by far!) the best shooter in this group and I totally thought that it was just a lucky shot. We went through again and that same asian guy made the shot, and I did too, and no one else did. Not even Josh, the star shooter of the academy. So ... I'm not a fast shot, but I'm an accurate shot. It was kind of cool for me. That's another area that therapy has helped me with. Before when I shot I REALLY REALLY cared about doing a good job in front of everyone and wanted them to see me doing well so that I would earn respect. But now, since therapy, I can actually just relax and enjoy shooting in the moment and that means that I don't tense which sends the bullet in a much straighter line and now I hit the targets better. Funny that.