
Saturday, October 08, 2005


For those of you who don't know me that well, I must introduce you to this new concept that expresses a "special" part of my personality and has been dubbed by my friends, "laurelisms." This part of my personality buds from my high belief that one is never too grown up to climb trees or do otherwise child-like things. Basically, never stop looking at the world with wonder and exploring it.

I had the best sorts of laurelisms this week, and I felt like sharing them with you. This week I have learned why people do not eat raw garlic, why you are not supposed to lick batteries, what happens when you freeze marshmallows, that head-banging still hurts the morning after, that if I do my laundry every week there is a lot less of it to do, that I can still read a 500 page novel in an afternoon, salt makes my finger tips wrinkled, chewing a whole pack of gum in one sitting makes me dizzy, and that politicians who have a set schpiel don't like being interrupted (and that when their schpiel is about poor minorities, and you live in the poor minority section of town, they are very surprised when you open your door and they find an upper middle class white woman with a college education. It's almost as fun as when the Mormons or JW's come a'knocking!)

Other things that mark me distinctly as Laurel that I did this week:

I hung out with a famous ska band for 1/2 an hour and it never occured to me to take a picture or ask for signatures (because, duh, they're just normal people who are cool to talk to like everyone else. Oh! but, my pierced belly button finally made me cool Deb! I'll have to tell you about it!)

I got a random offer to go to Spain for 2 and 1/2 months this summer and work in a youth camp(but I won't cause of Josh)(I get the most random opportunities sometimes!)

My nerdy habit of fast reading and great short-term memory paid off in that my on-line traffic school only took me 3 hours to complete and pass instead of the 8 hours that it was supposed to.

I have written this post with great enjoyment and it has given me a few more minutes of stalling before I go back to cleaning my office. Yes, as an adult I still carry the unsupported belief that if I stall long enough somehow my chores will get done by someone else. If you can't hold a rediculous hope like that after 23 years of being steadily disappointed then you are most certainly not Laurel either.

So good night all you non-Laurels. May your days be full of fun and special events that help to define who you are as well!


At 9:32 PM, Blogger Adam said...

hello. my name is Jessica. I'm 24 years old. And I think my husband might be a laurel.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

so... What kind of battery did you lick?

At 8:44 PM, Blogger RhoYo said...

a rectangular battery


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