
Saturday, April 07, 2007

six years

Well, it's been six years and six days since Josh first asked me out. That is the anniversary that really matters to me. Our wedding really wasn't that important to me, especially as I hate weddings, but him asking me out is the date that I will always remember. Today was a good day, and it was special too. We were out having lunch with some friends, about eight of them, and there was a couple sitting next to us. They've been going out a bit more than a month and they were bickering back and forth. Today I realized that that couple is no longer Josh and I. We talked about it. We both agreed that we've both grown a lot. I feel like we've finally gotten over some evil tip of the iceberg and that we are finally right for each other. Last week we finally agreed that getting married to each other wasn't a mistake and that we really are meant to be together. It may sound silly, but it really has taken us six years to figure that out.

Today is also the first day in my life that I baked pies all on my own. I have no idea how they taste yet, but I baked three. One for Josh (an apple pie), and two for my family for Easter tomorrow (pumpkin pies). I discovered that I am horrible at rolling out dough. Auntie and Josh were there to laugh with me about it.

I am also not so good at drawing, but I really enjoy doing it. It is very relaxing, although I find it easier to draw when someone else gives me the subject.

On Wednesday this last week I had an Easter egg hunt for my kids around the classroom - and I copied Josh's family's way of it and had some of the eggs tell the Easter story about Jesus. That was pretty cool. It was their "history" lesson. On Thursday we dyed Easter eggs. My classroom carpet will never be the same color again, but they really enjoyed it. On Friday Mr. M., Miss. D., and I made the kids Easter baskets. That was a hit. Later on we joined the high schoolers for a relay race, which *ahem* my team won (I helped by eating a whole chocolate bunny in record time and nearly throwing up because of it), and then we had water balloon tosses and then a water balloon fight. It was incredibly fun!

Josh had a good week too. The TAC Staff laid off on his class because the new baby class is so bad that they needed remediation. I'd say poor baby class, but I hear that they deserve it. On their first day they had to call an ambulance for one of their guys after their p.t. session and three of them are already claiming to have an injury. Not so bueno.

Josh and I are finally sharing a life, and therefore a home. I have no idea where we will end up or what we will end up doing, but at least we will have great memories of, finally, loving each other well.


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