
Thursday, October 20, 2005


My email is down right now. My first thought? "How dare they!" My second thought, "Gosh, that's not a good attitude!" My third thought? "But I really wanted to check my email and write people back!"

My next reaction? "Golly, this repetitive type of writing really sucks and it shows nothing to prove that I've had a good education and know how to write." Sorry folks, I get stuck in a rut every once in a while. ::grin!::

So since I can't email any of you, and it's too late to call you, I guess that I will tell you about my evening.

I worked out tonight and maintained 80 rpm on the elliptical for over 10 minutes (at then end of a 30 minute cycle) and felt really proud of myself. As I lifted weights I realized that my upper body is finally (after 4 months) starting to be able to lift more. Cool! Then I enjoyed the pure bliss of a hot tub with my honey and my buddy Jeff. Although it was somewhat lacking in stimulating conversation (we were all pretty tired) it was still enjoyable to sit in such fine company.

Oh, and I just have to say that Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" really sucks. Ok, it has one funny song in it, but that's pretty much it. If I hadn't been eating good tomatoes with basil and mozzarella cheese while I watched it, then I would have called it a waste of time. After that Deb came home from her Bible study and we hung out some more.

Walking back to the car was amazingly awesome because there was a light fog and everything glowed because of the way the light hit the water-laden air. It was really beautiful and sort of dreamy and for some strange reason my walking sounded enormously loud. I think that there is so much noise in my life that I normally can't hear myself walk, so to be walking around Fullerton at 11:30 is a nice break.

Speaking of walking, I have to say that some of the best walking ever happens after midnight. Some of my favorite walks around La Mirada and Fullerton are in the dead of night when it's cool and there's actually moisture in the air. No one else is out and for a while I can pretend that I don't live in the middle of an insanely crowded earth, but I imagine that the trees that loom in the darkness are my normal walking companions instead of the busy strangers that roar past me during the day time. I honestly don't have anything against the rest of humanity, I'm sure that all the other humans around here would much rather exist in a more subdued location too, but there is a richness and luxury in being the sole occupant of a dark midnight-blue street with whispering shadows, streaks of moonlight, and the damp smells of vegetation.

Some people have nightmares about being trapped on a deserted island, but really, would it be so bad? Even if you died there, at least it would be peaceful.


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