
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thoughts for the Evening

Ok. I just wrote a fairly cool post and deleted it on accident. Doh! This is what happens when you have a Mac at work and a PC at home - the keyboard commands change! I'm a hazard to myself . . . don't let me get me . . .

I had a good evening. I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and DID NOT HAVE ANY CHEESECAKE!!!! If you are ever going to create a mind meltingly yummy delicate dessert, please have the presence of mind to not name it something that sounds absolutely disgusting. I did, however, step out on a limb and eat things that I normally would not. I had a salad with mango (ew) and cashews (ick) that actually tasted good (ah). So I am maturing a little, but it may still take years before I brave cheesecake. (You may feel free to mock me for my cheesecake prejudice. I realize that it shows my immaturity to have such a dumb prejudice and I apologize. Hopefully someday I will grow up. Until then I will merit and accept your scorn.) However, let me just say that my experiment of having a ginger margarita did not pan out. The more that I drink the more that I am convinced that the only good alcohol is in a rich red wine or a dark luke-warm beer. Everything else seems like an insult. Ginger is good, alcohol is good, but when you mix them and pour corn syrup over them bad things happen.

Lately I have been emailing some of my old friends who I lost contact with over the years and it's an odd experience. For the most part I can see where they were a great help and blessing to me all those years ago, but now most of us are so different! I'm very thankful for the part that they played in my life . . . but man are we different people now! It really made me grateful for the awesome friends who are in my life now. You guys rock! Thank you for putting up with my odd sense of humor, my seemingly disconnected comments (I swear there is logic behind all of them, but as Monica said today, I am a non sequitur!), and all the rest of the stuff that can make it a burden to relate to me. I don't know what I would do without you, but it would probably involve a bomb and a white padded cell.

Speaking of which, I was thinking today about all the terrorism that America has started experiencing and I think that it would be cool if all of us developed an immunity to anthrax. It would be an American Braveheart mooning movement. Ha! Unfortunately we can't build up immunities to nuclear weapons and bullets, but wouldn't that be cool? At Jamba Juice you could order your smoothie with a shot of radiation immunity and a boost of anti-hijacking. Oh the world would be a pleasant place . . .

On a sadder note, Jackie is leaving work. Over the past 15 months I have really grown to love her and I'm going to miss her terribly. Given, she's only going out on maternity, so she'll be back, but work will be a sadder (quieter) place without her. She is the kind of person who actually listens when you speak and doesn't try and squeeze you into a box. She also is honest with me when I do something wrong and I love that! More people should give honest feed back in the world!

So, as this post is greatly about appreciating good friends, here's to all those great people out there who tell me when I have snot on my nose, am talking too loudly, and that I'm full of it and need to get over myself. I love you guys! Cheers!


At 1:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

the funny part about the cheesecake is that she likes cream cheese!

At 12:06 AM, Blogger RhoYo said...

ya know, I still don't get why that's funny. I like cream cheese in the saltier sense of it - like on my bagel with smoked salmon. I have that nasty fruity cream cheese. Give me my cheese with a bite or a tang! (Ex: garlic cream cheese is good).

At 12:07 AM, Blogger RhoYo said...

(I meant to say "I hate that nasty fruity cream cheese" not "I have that . . . " Sorry about the typos!)

At 1:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

well, I guess it is funny because cheese cake is like %90 plain cream cheese.

Bagel+cream cheese+smoked salmon = THE BEST... almost as good as tomato basil and cheese.


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