
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Resisting Temptation

I am going to blog about Nanette and cake today. She just refused a perfectly wonderful piece of chocolate cake because she knows that she is going to over indulged in yummy things tonight with her boy. So, does that count as resisting temptation? Or merely putting temptation off? That is my deep question for today.

On the less deep side of things, I'm kind of excited about tonight. Josh is out of town (sad!) but I'm going to go out with my single friends and have fun. I think that it will be really cool! The one friend from high school who I kept, Kathleen, is coming and she will get to meet all of my cool ISF buddies. We are starting out at a coffee shop and the plot will thicken from there.

Yay! Monica is reading me jokes over the phone! I gotta go! =) Who says that work is boring?


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